Quick Charge technology
Any manufacturer of gadgets considers the most promising direction the quick charge device. During the use of such a smartphone, it quickly loses the percentage of charge, but any user dreams that the battery of the device is quickly charged. So, earlier, this factor was something fantastic, but modern models almost all support fast charging. In this article, we describe some of the details of this issue, and then you can figure out some difficult questions.
Quick Charge operating principle
The regular charger, which performs the connection via USB, is able to supply 5V voltage to the device, with the current being between 0.5 and 2.5A. This is the condition under which a modern smartphone takes from 5 to 12 hours for a full cycle of recharging. This makes it very difficult for a modern person to function, because each of us needs his smartphone or tablet to be always available, but such a long charging will only complicate the routine of all users.
If we use Quick Charge technology, then the charging time will be reduced by more than twice, as the voltage and power levels are significantly increased. There is also some feedback by which the adapter smoothly changes the parameters for the charge.
However, to perform this process, you will need not only the appropriate charger, but also the gadget support of this standard. In case of inconsistency in parameters, the effect will not be achieved. As a result, the charge will occur in normal mode. Any user will appreciate such a feature, because with this, he or she can use their device at any time and not worry that it is about to shut down due to lack of battery power. For example, Quick Charge provides a mode such as INOV, by which the optimum voltage for a charge is determined, but only by the generated signals.
If the battery is fully discharged, the user will be able to charge his device, applying the maximum voltage. Also, it will be able to continue to charge it at maximum and at 75% charge, but after that, the voltage value for the charge should decrease. If you charge the battery at all times at maximum power, then in this case, the overcharge may occur, which will cause the battery to quickly become unusable.

Quick Charge and its strengths and features
This is one of the most popular standards of fast charging, which the Qualcomm brand offers to all users. It is worth noting that all Android smartphones support this standard, with the processor Snapdragon. The first options were offered back in 2013. However, the manufacturer did not stop its active work. As a result, three successful technologies were introduced during this time. Later, the quality and other useful characteristics improved. Okay, the charge is accelerating. At the same time, the module was replenished with new useful features that positively affected not only the speed of charge execution, but also the safety of use.
Today, manufacturers offer customers Quick Charge devices with an output capacity of 24V, however, such an indicator is rare for many manufacturers. They are therefore limited to 18 B in most cases. For example, there is a fourth-generation Quick Charge, and with this tool, 3000 mAh batteries are able to charge 50% in just 12-20 minutes. Such feature of this technology is sure to bring a lot of comfort to any user, but it is not yet widespread in the market.
Chipmaker Qualcomm company offers its own technology of Quick Charge, and it is the most popular standard in the modern world. Users can use them to charge batteries with different capacities. Among them are devices from Samsung, too. However, the Qualcomm Snapdragon processor does not have any connection with this technology. This is why almost any smartphone manufacturer can licence the Quick Charge controller technology for free. Any user understands the fact that such diversity is very useful. There is not much time left until Quick Charge technology is used everywhere.